Processes start with a specific request of the customer. From that moment the engineering begins. A P&ID and lay out is made already during the quotation phase to foresee all the needs for a good running process. The lay-out, in 3D, gives a good overview of the size of the offered installation or component. In this phase the process calculations are made. This process engineering results in a design that shows what the possibilities are in combination with the P&ID, lay-out and of course the customer’s desires. This eventually results in a quotation.
During the quotation phase the engineering will be discussed and worked out in more detail to serve as a basis for an order. As soon as an order is made, Sanco Processing continues the engineering. The lay-out will be further developed and detailed-engineering is carried out. The P&ID and lay-out will be checked concerning (food-)safety, components, setup, reachability, maintenance and operation. If necessary detailed strength and/or stress calculations will be made. Together with our customer we look what civil works need to be done. Based on our lay-out, together with the civil contractor appointments will be made about for example constructions, supports and openings.
During the quotation phase the engineering will be discussed and worked out in more detail to serve as a basis for an order. As soon as an order is made Sanco continues the engineering. The lay-out will be further developed and detailed-engineering is carried out. The P&ID and lay-out will be checked concerning (food-)safety, components, setup, reachability, maintenance and operation. If necessary detailed strength and/or stress calculations will be made. Together with our customer we look what civil works need to be done. Based on our lay-out, together with the civil contractor appointments will be made about for example constructions, supports and openings.
The process engineering consists of the full design of an installation. This can be a complete evaporator or a spray dryer or another related process. Product specifications, mass balances, utility calculations, heat transfer calculations and component specifications will all be worked out to get a good working process.
Sanco Processing is used to work out everything on a detailed P&ID, which contains all components in plain legible symbols. Each component has its own tag-number and on the component lists all information of each component is found. Based on the P&ID and the component lists also the hardware and software will be worked out.
The lay-out drawings are made in Autocad Inventor (3D). This layout will also be the base for civil engineering. This is done in close cooperation with the civil contractor or constructor.
Based on the lay-out the components will be worked out in detail to obtain all construction drawings for our workshop and our suppliers. Material specifications are very important here, material choice, certificates, food safety, heat resistance, chemical resistance etc..etc..